Miftah Directs Authorities to Resolve Issues of Japanese Companies

Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue, Miftah Ismail has directed the relevant authorities to resolve the issues of Japanese companies working in Pakistan while chairing a high-level meeting.

The Finance Minister was briefed about the issues being faced by the Japanese Companies. The challenges faced by Japanese companies were the implementation of industrial policies, tax incentives for locally manufactured automobiles, incentives to businesses located in Special Economic Zones (SEZ) and Export Processing Zones (EPZ), cash margin requirements and support for the development of a stable business environment for the automobile market.

The Finance Minister after comprehensive deliberation with all stakeholders assured the delegation of the full support of the government for the resolution of their issues and directed the relevant authorities to expedite the matter.

Chairman FBR, Governor SBP, Secretary of Science and Technology, Secretary Industries and Production, Secretary Commerce, and senior officers from the Board of Investment and Finance Division inter-alia attended the meeting.

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