Pakistani Girl Gets Her Father’s Killer Arrested in Dubai After 14 Years

A Pakistani girl has gotten her father’s suspected killer arrested after over 14 years, who was caught in a joint operation by Karachi Police and Interpol.

Maham Amjad, who works in Dubai, has been persistently pursuing her father’s case since his assassination in 2008 by his office colleague.

The police are currently working to transfer the culprit to Karachi. In 2009, the court declared the killer a fugitive, while in 2022, his CNIC and passport were also blocked.

About The Murder

Muhammad Ahmed Amjad, the Regional Chief of State Life Insurance Company, was killed in August 2008 after being shot with 10 bullets in his office near Mithadar Police Station.

Karachi Police registered a case against the Sales Manager, Sayed Taqi Haider Shah, based on the testimony of Ahmed’s Personal Assistant (PA) and an eyewitness, Muhammad Arif.

A non-bailable arrest warrant was issued for Taqi on 29 January 2010, but he managed to evade arrest by leaving the country.

Via Express News

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