Average Pakistani Needs 621+ Years to Earn $1 Million

A recent study released by Picodi.com and Numbeo shows that a common Pakistani, earning an average monthly salary, requires approximately 621 years and three months to reach the $1 million mark.

The information on the average monthly net wage is based on Numbeo’s data from April 2022, whereas the data on the currency exchange rate has been taken from Google Finance for March 2023.

According to analysts from Picodi.com and Numbeo’s data, the average net salary in Pakistan stands at Rs 37,628 ($134) per month, which means it would take an ordinary worker 621 years and three months to earn $1 million.

It is pertinent to mention here that the number may vary depending on the inflation, instability of the exchange rate, and changes in the average monthly net salary.

The analysts examined around 102 countries globally, with citizens of Switzerland emerging as the fastest ones to earn $1 million in just 14 years and three months. Switzerland is followed by Singapore, where an ordinary citizen can reach the $1 million mark in 16 years and 11 months.

Meanwhile, Chinese nationals, earning an average monthly wage, can make their first million dollars in 78 years and nine months, which is extremely higher than China’s economic competitor, the US, whose citizens need only 19 years and 10 months to earn the same amount.

Pakistan’s arch-rival, India, has an average salary of INR 46,188 ($562) per month, taking their citizens 148 years and five months to reach the $1 million mark.

Here’s the list of the top ten countries whose citizens require the least number of years to earn $1 million:

Below is the list of the bottom ten countries whose citizens require centuries to earn $1 million:

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  • Dear sir this is wrong forcosting because US dollars dominance is gradually decrease and RMB Chinese value is increasing so we are rejecting your forcosting

  • Thanks to Pakistani corrupt elite leaches who brought pakistan to such a drastic stage. The corrupt elite leaches very will know who i am talking about. Think of your self if you are one of them and it makes you shame and guilt. If so, then please return the looted wealth to government treasury

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