Minister Announces Significant Drop in Hajj Costs

During a press conference in Islamabad, Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony Talha Mahmood made an important announcement. He revealed that the cost of Hajj has been significantly reduced from $5,000 to $3,900, thanks to policies implemented by the coalition government.

Mahmood emphasized that this would allow pilgrims to save over four billion rupees, and any remaining amount will also be refunded.

Mahmood went on to explain that the $3,900 package includes airfare, transportation within Saudi Arabia, accommodation, and food expenses. He assured that the scheme also covers the pilgrims’ stay at Mina and Arafat, as reported by Radio Pakistan.

Addressing a question, Mahmood stated that eighty percent of Pakistani pilgrims have been accommodated near Markaziya in Madina, ensuring their comfort and convenience.

Emphasizing the importance of transparency during the Hajj season, Mahmood proudly shared that he personally contributed over Rs. 1.1 million to the Ministry of Religious Affairs’ account for Hajj expenses. 

He expressed his willingness to contribute more if needed and made it clear that state funds would not be utilized for any individual’s personal Hajj expenses.

Regarding the Hajj Moavineen (volunteers), Mahmood clarified that their purpose is to serve the pilgrims and not to perform Hajj themselves.

Furthermore, Mahmood firmly refuted any notion of providing free Hajj for President of Pakistan Arif Alvi and his family, dismissing such impressions entirely.

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