Fearless Street Criminals Snatch Official Weapons from Policemen in Karachi

In an alarming incident on Thursday, a group of unidentified suspects displayed audacity by snatching service weapons from three police officers and a civilian in Karachi.

The shocking event took place in Mansehra Colony, where the suspects targeted the policemen stationed at Shrafi Goth police station, making off on two motorcycles after seizing their firearms.

Furthermore, a private citizen who was accompanying the police officers also fell victim to the criminals, losing his self-defense weapon in the process. Authorities have called in the policemen involved for further investigation into the incident, and a case has been registered against the unknown perpetrators.

Disturbingly, reports indicate an increasing trend of criminals specifically targeting police officers in Karachi. Just recently, a robber snatched a service rifle from a policeman in the Sukhan area, with no arrests made thus far.

In a separate development, the Karachi police managed to apprehend the prime suspect involved in the mob lynching case of two telecom workers in Machar Colony. The suspect, Moulvi Khalil, was allegedly responsible for the heinous act, which occurred last year.

More than 40 individuals have already been arrested in connection with the same case. The police utilized available videos of the lynching incident to identify eight suspects involved in the stoning. Detailed information, including names and addresses, has been gathered about these individuals.

According to a senior police official, the incident in Machar Colony stemmed from baseless rumors of child kidnappers in the area, leading to an enraged mob attacking the telecom company’s employees.

The situation escalated when the police intervened to protect the victims during their security duties for anti-polio teams. Eyewitnesses described a scene of panic as the mob assaulted both the telecom employees and the intervening officers, creating a highly volatile situation.

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