PM to Introduce Health Insurance Scheme for Journalists

Prime Minister (PM) Shehbaz Sharif is scheduled to launch a health insurance program tailored specifically for journalists, on 7 August. The news was shared by Information Minister Maryam Aurangzeb on Monday. 

To become part of this program, journalists can easily register by filling out the form accessible on the Press Information Department website. The registration process has been designed to be digital, ensuring transparency, as highlighted by Minister Aurangzeb.

The government has allocated a substantial Rs. 1 billion from the federal budget for this program.

The minister empathetically recognized the long-standing issues concerning health insurance and salaries for journalists and applauded the government’s proactive measures to address these concerns. Notably, an impressive recovery of Rs. 110 million was achieved through the Independent Tribunal for Newspaper Employees, with direct payments made to staff in the print media sector.

This health insurance program extends its benefits to all journalists and media workers, irrespective of their membership status in press clubs.

Minister Aurangzeb clarified that the Journalists’ Health Insurance Program stands apart from the existing PM’s Health Card program, ensuring that journalists already benefiting from the latter will not be eligible for the former.

Responding to concerns about media restrictions, the minister reassured that the current government has refrained from taking any punitive actions against journalists who have voiced criticisms regarding its decisions and performance.

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