9-Year-Old Girl in Islamabad Attempts Suicide After Alleged Molestation by Tutor

In a harrowing incident that has sent shockwaves through the community, a nine-year-old schoolgirl residing on the outskirts of Islamabad reportedly attempted suicide after allegedly being molested by her tutor. The incident unfolded within the jurisdiction of the Shalimar police station and has led to the arrest of the accused, identified as Malik Jahanzeb.

The young girl, a resident of Maira Bairi suburb, had been receiving tuition from Jahanzeb, who worked as a teacher. Disturbingly, after just a few sessions, her demeanor changed dramatically, and she became increasingly withdrawn. Her mother’s inquiries were met with silence until tragedy struck. 

A fortnight ago, the girl leaped from the rooftop of her house, sustaining severe injuries including fractures to her arm and leg. Rushed to a local hospital, she eventually revealed the horrifying details of her ordeal.

According to the victim’s account, Jahanzeb had allegedly assaulted her after showing explicit videos on his mobile phone. He reportedly brandished a dagger to terrify her into submission. Following her courageous disclosure, the police promptly registered a First Information Report (FIR) against the accused and took him into custody.

In a similar incident that underscores the alarming trend of child abuse, a seven-year-old student was reportedly assaulted by his teacher at a school on Kurri Road. The Bani Gala police have apprehended the suspect and initiated a thorough investigation into the matter.

These deeply distressing events have ignited outrage within the community, prompting calls for stricter safeguards to protect the well-being of young students. Child protection advocates are urging more stringent measures to ensure the safety of children in educational settings and beyond.

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