Moustache Twisting Results in 4 Brutal Murders in Islamabad

Uncontrolled anger over a seemingly trivial matter escalated into a series of murders in Islamabad. The violent incident, triggered by a dispute over moustache-twisting, resulted in multiple lives being lost.

The latest turn of events occurred late Tuesday night in the vicinity of the Shahzad Town Police Station area in the federal capital. The altercation between rival parties culminated in the killing of four individuals, including a father-son duo.

The victims of the latest violence included former UC chairman Ibrar Shah and his son Hamza Shah. The driver and gunman accompanying them in a car also succumbed to the deadly firing.

As of now, the police have been unable to apprehend any suspects. The ongoing investigation indicates that the victims and their assailants are relatives, with an underlying old enmity between them.

The police disclosed that the same rivals had previously murdered a relative of the victims in 2021. Additionally, the deceased were accused of shooting another individual, Hammad Shah, belonging to the rival group.

Cases related to all the murders have been registered at Koral and Shahzad Town police stations. The bodies of the four victims of the recent violence were handed over to their families after post-mortem examinations.

Police efforts are underway, with raids being conducted to apprehend the culprits involved in the deadly feud.

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