Samsung Galaxy AI Could Get More Powerful Paid Features Soon

A little over a week since the debut of the Samsung Galaxy S24 series, which incorporates Galaxy AI powered by Google Cloud, Samsung has reaffirmed its commitment to expanding this technology, both in terms of capabilities and userbase.

TM Roh, President and Head of MX Business at Samsung Electronics, confirmed that Galaxy AI is slated to be extended to older models in the first half of 2024. Moreover, the company has ambitious plans to introduce Galaxy AI to approximately 100 million Galaxy mobile devices worldwide throughout the year.

Here is TM Roh’s official press statement:

According to our analysis, there are various needs for mobile AI. So, there will be consumers who will be satisfied with using the AI capabilities for free. Then there could also be customers who wish for even more powerful AI capabilities, and even pay for them. So, in the future decision making, we will take all these factors into consideration.

Going by this statement, it seems Samsung may have plans to introduce more powerful AI features in the future, but those will be locked behind a paywall, similar to OpenAI’s GPT 4 and Microsoft’s Copilot Pro. Since Samsung’s AI features are powered by Google’s Gemini Pro, the future suite of premium AI features may be powered by Google’s Gemini Ultra, which is Google’s top-tier offering set to release later this year.

Although Samsung had already announced this, Roh once again confirmed that Galaxy users will only be able to use AI features for free until 2025 despite the costs of running AI servers. However, the brand has not yet made a definitive decision regarding its pricing structure beyond that point.

Furthermore, Roh conveyed Samsung’s intention to commence laptop production within India, aimed at addressing the needs of the domestic market. This initiative will be carried out at Samsung’s Noida factory in India.

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