Typing Twitter.com Now Automatically Takes You to X.com

Twitter’s rebranding to X has been ongoing since July last year but now the process is finally complete. This is because “Twitter.com” finally takes you to X.com. Previously, the website’s domain was Twitter.com, even though it was called X everywhere. Even typing X.com would take you to Twitter.com.

Today, Elon Musk proudly announced on X that all core systems are now using the X.com domain.

This marks the final farewell to the bird logo. X.com is a remarkable domain name since it has several advantages over Twitter.com. It is one of only 26 single-letter domains in the English language. Musk’s vision to transform Twitter into an “everything app,” similar to WeChat in China, is better supported by a simple and instantly recognizable name like X.

Additionally, this change helps distance the platform from the controversy that has often surrounded the Twitter name due to its speech policies.

So, we have a generic yet instantly memorable brand, a unique domain name, and ambitious goals. If this were a Silicon Valley startup with no ties to Elon Musk, the internet would be buzzing with excitement. However, the rebranding has been widely disliked across the internet, mostly because it gives up the long-standing brand legacy created by Twitter over the years.

Musk is trying to shed any associations with the previous Twitter and is on his way to creating something entirely new. What that might be is something only time will tell. Stay tuned.

  • ganjra shanja peety ho kya ustad, yeh toh shuru se hi hota hai. poora article chaap diya.

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