Pakistan Celebrates First International Day of the Markhor

Pakistan is celebrating the first-ever ‘International Day of the Markhor,’ as proclaimed by the United Nations earlier this month.

On May 2, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution, sponsored by Pakistan and eight other countries, designating May 24 as the International Day of the Markhor. This resolution recognizes the ecological importance of preserving the Markhor, categorized as “near threatened” in 2014, and its natural habitat. The Markhor plays a critical role in the ecosystem, as highlighted in a press release.

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“Markhors have long been Pakistan’s national treasure. Today, they have also become a world treasure,” said Mohamed Yahya, the UN Resident Coordinator in Pakistan. “Not only do Markhors play a crucial role in the ecosystem, but they offer a significant opportunity to bolster the economy, foster conservation efforts, and promote sustainable tourism and economic growth, in line with the Government’s ‘Living Indus’ initiative, which the United Nations supports.”

The Markhor population in Pakistan has been increasing over the past ten years, now estimated between 3,500 and 5,000, thanks to proactive conservation programs and community engagement. Globally, however, their numbers are declining, with fewer than 6,000 mature individuals remaining.

Famous for its long corkscrew-shaped horns, the Markhor is found in the mountainous regions of Central and South Asia, including Pakistan. Major threats to its survival include habitat loss, illegal hunting, poaching, and climate change.

A skilled climber, the Markhor can traverse steep, nearly vertical mountainous terrain, inhabiting elevations between 600 and 3,500 meters.

The resolution encourages global celebrations and conservation efforts, emphasizing the importance of international and regional cooperation.

Pakistan’s ‘Living Indus’ initiative, aimed at protecting and restoring the environment, was designated a ‘World Restoration Flagship’ project by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) in February. This initiative is led by the Government of Pakistan and supported by the United Nations. – INP

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