Air Link Signs MoU With IMIKI Corporation to Make Smart Wearable Devices in Pakistan

Air Link Communication Limited (PSX: AIRLINK) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with IMIKI Corporation to manufacture smart wearable devices in Pakistan.

“Muzzaffar Hayat Piracha, CEO Air Link Communication Limited (Airlink) is privileged to have accompanied the Honourable Prime Minister of Pakistan, Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, on a landmark visit to China, where Airlink has signed a momentous MOU with IMIKI Corporation to manufacture smart wearable devices. Yet another initiative of Airlink in paving the way for innovation and technological advancement in Pakistan,” the company said in a stock filing on Wednesday.

The signing ceremony was attended by senior officials including the Federal Minister for Commerce, Jam Kamal Khan, Federal Minister for Industries and Production, Rana Tanveer Hussain, Federal Minister for Privatisation, Abdul Aleem Khan, and Federal Secretary of the Board of Investment, Rahim Hayat Qureshi.

“This collaboration signifies a crucial step forward in solidifying the technological partnership between Pakistan and China,” AIRLINK added.

AIRLINK imports, export distribution, wholesale, retail of communication and IT-related products and services including cellular mobile/smartphones, tablets, laptops accessories and allied products.

At the time of filing, the company’s scrip at the bourse was Rs. 77.45, down 0.46 percent or Rs. 0.36 with a turnover of 13.36 million shares on Wednesday.

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  • I dont know how you guys function but trust me the quality of phone you produce is not up to the mark. I got Xiomi C3 made in pakistan Airlink and I got issues thrice in one year. so the quality of products you guys are producing is still a question mark. its good to see made in pakistan but the quality cannot be compromised too.

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