Power Division Officially Responds to News Regarding End of Solar Net Metering

The Power Division has denied the rumors that the solar net metering policy was ending in Pakistan.

In a brief statement, it said there is no truth to such claims and no instructions have been issued by the Prime Minister on any changes to the Net Metering Policy. The Power Division lamented that news channels should’ve asked for comment before reporting such news.

Contrary to the Power Division’s rebuttal, there is no denying the fact that the Prime Minister has issued special instructions on net metering tariff rationalization as authorities look to amend Net Metering Regulations and replace the entire system with a gross metering system to discourage solar use and to force consumers to switch back to grid electricity. Their aim is to manage the looming danger of capacity payments which are estimated to spike next fiscal year.

The PM has instructed the Power Division to move a summary on net metering after fine-tuning the following elements of rationalization:

  • conversion of existing net metering regime to gross billing (separate rates for import and export of units)
  • creation of separate tariff category
  • inclusion or otherwise of fixed charges
  • revision of buyback rates
  • Amendment of Net Metering Regulations
  • A dynamic formula to determine a reasonable pay-back period

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) is working with PD on the proposal.

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  • I think you are mixing two different things similar to what others are doing as well. The notification you are sharing is saying “conversion of existing net metering regime to gross billing…..” But you are calling it gross METERING. These are two different things. Gross metering requires infrastructure changes which included the installation of two meters. Gross billing is monetisation of exported units instead of unit to unit exchange which is currently happening in net metering.

  • The PM should have instructed the Power Division to move a summary on IPP for rationalization:

    Conversion of existing agreement and rationalisation of capacity capacity charges
    In the light of their earning so far just like as instructed for Solar tariff as in the news given below.
    including the
    creation of separate tariff category
    inclusion or otherwise of fixed charges
    revision of buyback rates
    Amendment of Net Metering Regulations
    A dynamic formula to determine a reasonable pay-back period
    The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) is working with PD on the proposal.

    • There is no rationalization for theft or robbery. The IPPs are all owned by our present rulers and their front men., their rationalization will end up in their own favor resulting in more exploitation. The only solution is NATIONALIZATION of IPPs and other such arrangements that are against the interest of ordinary people.

  • Gross metering is not to discourage solar. It is to encourage battery based systems. Without battery you just shift the shortfall from day to night time which is even worse because slow response power plants cannot be utilized such as coal. So mainly oil based powerplants can be used, which have quick response but they are the most excellent expensive. The other choice is to build more hydel power plants.

    • Brother , Hybrid / battery based system is headache you know.Repeatedly fault arise and it creates problems for u.

      • I have installed Hybrid System and it’s working well. Please check your Solar installation agent.

      • Run battery less and grid less system to save electricity cost. Mine works best in the day time this way. As the night approaches, run 1 or 2 fans on battery and sleep then wake when sun comes back.

      • Our avg electricity bill was around 50k.now lWe are on off-grid for past 5 years.25x515w solar panels( RS 640000).8x 24v 230ah(RS 1850000) Li-po batteries.slowly increased from 2 to 8 in 2 years.1x on/off-grid smart inverter of 8kw.(365000).other expenses(120000).we store around 45kw.we sell excessive unit to discos.disco own us more than 8 lakhs.our system is still efficient and we haven’t wasted a single rupee after setting up this system.our batteries are still genuine.dont go on cheap hybrid like liquid batteries.make it one time investment or slowly invest in solar.

  • Lies, lies, more lies and damn lies. I am sure the government (itself a massive mafia) will succumb to the pressures of Mafias whose interest lies in benefitting the corrupt and the inefficient and to torture the people as much as possible.

    Have you seen anywhere in the world some people enjoying absolutely free electricity and the others paying for the free users? This is what is happening here.

  • Worst step to shift responsibilities of previously taken decisions by Govt. to cut load shedding.

  • Government should check up the IPPs contracts and should try to convince them to revisit the contracts. Pakistan and the nation is suffering because of these contracts. These Companies have mustered huge profits and are still earning. Solar installers should not get into the trap of the plans for Gross Meter installation. Better, government should put it’s own house in order. There is a need to take action against the Officials and Politicians who concluded the IPPs Contracts. But who will do it? Most of the Responsible culprits are sitting in the government.

  • When the whole world is switch to green energy and reducing Carbon pollution, why Pakistan is forcing people to suffer for their huge investment on reducing carbon on the now being discarded initiative of cheaper and cleaner energy at their own partial cost? Is there any consistency in policy and progress?

  • What is India and Bangladesh doing in solar energy generation.We can learn from the neighborhood countries.
    If, they encourage them,then we get idea from these countries.

  • Confused anti people govt . PM, of Form 47, should direct the Power Division.to end the extravagance by WAPDA employees. Besides massive corruption, all WAPDA employees, serving and rtd get free electricity or at nominal rates.

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