Govt. Proposes 10-Year Imprisonment for Forced Begging

The Punjab Home Department has proposed severe penalties for those involved in forced begging. The new legislation, which has been submitted to the Cabinet for summary approval, targets those who exploit children, the elderly, and women, aiming to dismantle the beggar mafia operating in the region.

The proposed amendment introduces stringent punishments for gang leaders of the beggar mafia, including up to 10 years of imprisonment. In addition to the prison term, offenders will face a hefty fine of Rs. 2 million. The legislation emphasizes the government’s strict stance against forced begging by imposing an additional three-year prison sentence on those who fail to pay the fine.

Forced begging will be categorized as a non-bailable offense under the new law. This measure ensures that perpetrators remain in custody and face trial without the possibility of bail, reflecting the government’s zero-tolerance policy. “Forced beggars do not deserve any discount,” stated the Secretary of the Punjab Home Department, reinforcing the commitment to stringent enforcement.

Previously, there was no specific legal framework to punish the leaders of these gangs. Punjab Home Department Secretary Noor-ul-Amin Mengal acknowledged this gap and expressed confidence that the new measures would significantly curb the exploitation of vulnerable individuals. “This legislation is a crucial step towards bringing justice to the victims and dismantling the beggar mafia,” Mengal said.

The amendment has been sent to the Cabinet for summary approval. If approved, it will mark a major milestone in the fight against forced begging in Punjab, providing law enforcement agencies with the necessary tools to prosecute and dismantle organized begging rings effectively.

  • Have they even thought this through? Do they even have they many cells to house the beggars and funds to feed them? There are thousands of not millions of beggars all across this country.

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