Facebook Messenger Gets WhatsApp’s Communities

Meta has discreetly introduced a new feature called Communities on Facebook Messenger, similar to last year’s launch of Communities on WhatsApp. This latest addition allows users to connect directly via Messenger, independently of any Facebook Group.

It’s important to clarify that this feature is separate from Community Chats, which debuted in Messenger in 2022. Community Chats were designed to help members of Facebook Groups communicate more effectively within Messenger.

Communities on Messenger provide dedicated areas for real-time communication, separate from Facebook Groups. All members within a Community have access to the full content of chats.

Each Community has a Home space, where admins can post updates and announcements. Communities can accommodate up to 5,000 members, who can join via shareable invitations. Additionally, each Community can have multiple group chats covering various topics.

The new Communities feature on Messenger operates similarly to its counterpart on WhatsApp, but with a significant difference: it integrates with Facebook’s social graph. This means users can invite others to join a Community using just their Facebook profiles, without needing their phone numbers, unlike on WhatsApp.

The rollout of Communities on Messenger is now underway for users worldwide. Let us know in the comments if you already have it. The Meta AI assistant for WhatsApp and other Meta apps did arrive in Pakistan and other South Asian countries before anywhere else.

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