Apple’s First Foldable Will Be Similar to Huawei Mate Xs 2: Report

Huawei Mate Xs 2. This implies a single display that envelops the device's front and back when folded, and unfolds into a seamless, flat display.">

At Apple’s recent event, the spotlight was primarily on software, with little emphasis on hardware. However, behind the scenes, Apple is reportedly developing two foldable devices – a 20.3″ MacBook, which is said to be nearing completion, and a 7.9″ foldable iPhone.

Analyst Jeff Pu suggests that the foldable iPhone will adopt an outward folding design, akin to the Huawei Mate Xs 2. This implies a single display that envelops the device’s front and back when folded and unfolds into a seamless, flat display. Think Samsung Galaxy Z Fold, but one that folds outwards.

Huawei Mate Xs 2

According to Pu, the foldable iPhone is projected to hit the market by the end of 2026, though some analysts predict a 2027 launch. Meanwhile, the larger 20.3″ foldable MacBook, likened to the ThinkPad X1 with its inward folding display and stowable wireless keyboard, is slated for a 2025 release.

The outward folding display design offers several advantages, including eliminating the need for a cover display, thereby reducing weight, thickness, and cost. With the screen covering most of the back, it allows for personalization and selfies using the main camera. However, this design leaves the foldable display, the device’s most delicate component, constantly exposed, which is a notable drawback.

Inward folding designs provide a safeguard for the flexible screen and can be adjusted to around 90° for laptop-like usage. It remains unclear why the development of the foldable MacBook is outpacing that of the foldable iPhone, but the complexities associated with the outward folding design could be a contributing factor.

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