Another Submarine Cable Fault Causes Internet Issues

Internet users faced difficulties due to a fault in the Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited’s (PTCL) submarine cable SMW4, according to sources.

However, PTCL officials stated that there was no cut in the submarine cable, but a fault was detected and rectified.

According to the officials, PTCL services have now been fully restored, allowing users to benefit from uninterrupted internet supply. A Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) spokesperson added that a malfunction had occurred in the PTCL submarine cable but was promptly fixed.

The spokesperson also said that users did not experience any major issues with internet service during this time. It should be noted that a few days ago, internet services in Pakistan were also disrupted due to a fault in the global submarine cable SMW4.

The SMW4 cable is one of seven submarine cables that connect Pakistan to the global internet infrastructure. A PTA spokesperson stated that the fault in this cable may lead to slower internet speeds during peak usage hours.

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  • the speed issue on ptcl still persists pings to europe are still high and downloading even from cloudflare domains are still slow

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