CM Gandapur Opens Recruitment in KP Government Jobs

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) government has lifted the ban on recruitment in government departments, ARY News reported.

Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur has instructed the concerned authorities to lift the ban on all types of recruitment in the province. A letter has been issued from the Chief Minister’s secretariat to the Chief Secretary.

Previously, on March 3, Chief Minister Gandapur had imposed a ban on all types of recruitment, except cases already in process at the Public Services Commission.

The Chief Minister has now initiated an investigation into the recruitments that took place during the caretaker government’s tenure in the province. Shortly after taking office, he requested a comprehensive report on all recruitments carried out between March 1, 2023, and February 29, 2024, and directed the relevant authorities to compile these details within a week.

In a separate development, the Sindh education department has notified the removal of the ban on teacher recruitment in the province. According to the notification, the education department is seeking details of candidates who passed the recruitment test. Following the removal of the ban, the government of Sindh will recruit primary and junior teachers for schools across the province.

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