FBR to Begin Tax Collection from Over 39,000 Retailers Under Tajir Dost Scheme

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) will start collecting taxes from traders who have registered with the Traders Dost Scheme on July 1, 2024.

The registration process for traders under this initiative is currently ongoing nationwide.

FBR sources told ProPakistani that so far 39,134 traders have registered with the new feature. Of these, 36,122 traders are from six major cities: Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Quetta, and Peshawar.

In Lahore, the highest number of registrations has been recorded with 15,057 traders. Karachi has registered 6,562 traders, Rawalpindi has registered 5,479 traders, Peshawar has registered 3,452 traders, and Islamabad has registered 3,400 traders. In Quetta, 2,172 retailers have registered under the Traders Dost scheme.

Additionally, 3,120 traders from smaller towns have also registered, sources added.

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