Govt Increases Excise Duty On Airline Tickets Up to Rs. 350,000 in Finance Bill

The federal government has hiked the excise duty on business and club class air tickets up to Rs. 350,000 in federal budget 2023-24.

The latest and final amendments in the Finance Bill show massive changes in excise duties for all ticket categories bound for various overseas destinations.

Economy and economy plus air tickets issued on or after the 1st day of July 2024 will pay Rs. 12,500 duty on tickets.

Individuals traveling to the Middle East and African countries, including destinations like Dubai and Saudi Arabia, will pay Rs. 105,000 duty on their business/club class air tickets, up Rs. 30,000 compared to the outgoing fiscal year.

Travelers will now pay Rs. 100,000 excise duty per business/club class ticket for going to the United States and Canada. For individuals going to North America, Latin America, and Canada, duty has been increased from Rs. 250,000 to Rs. 350,000 per business/club class ticket.

The duty on business and club class tickets to European destinations has been increased by Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 210,000, while duty on the same category of tickets for traveling to New Zealand and Australia has also been increased to Rs. 210,000.

For travel to China, Malaysia, and Indonesia, the excise duty on business and club class tickets has been increased to Rs. 210,000.

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  • Nothing on those who do not pay taxes or no filers. They should withhold 30% on bank deposits of Non fillers and only release when they file there returns.

  • Good News Again.
    Government should start F… every who is traveling.
    Or Government should be F…. by everyone who are traveling.
    Love U Pakistan.
    Long Live Pakistan

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