Law Ministry Requests for Staff Appointment and Funds For Telecom Appellate Tribunal

The Ministry of Law and Justice has written to the Establishment Division for the appointment of members and staff of the Telecommunication Appellate Tribunal.

Sources told ProPakistani that the ministry has requested the division to take necessary steps for the tribunal’s formation, including appointing its members, hiring the required staff, designating office space, and allocating the budget for its operations.

Responding to a longstanding demand from IT, telecom, and internet service providers, the federal government issued a notification for the establishment of the tribunal, in January this year. The gazette notification specified that the tribunal would consist of three members: a chairperson, who will be either a high court judge or an advocate with 15 years of experience, a technical expert, and a financial expert.

This body was established under the Telecommunication Appellate Tribunal Ordinance 2023.

According to the notification, all appeals and cases related to the IT and telecom sector currently pending before any high court are to be transferred to the tribunal within one month. Decisions made by the tribunal can be appealed to the Supreme Court within 60 days.

The creation of the telecom tribunal, a long-standing industry demand, was finalized during the caretaker government. The tribunal aims to facilitate the speedy resolution of disputes and cases in the telecom sector, thus alleviating the burden on the courts.

Officials from the Ministry of IT and Telecom are optimistic that the tribunal will become operational once the appointments, office space, and budget allocations are finalized.

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