3-Tier Security Protocol Issued for Muharram in Punjab

The Punjab Home Department has issued security guidelines for Muharram processions and congregations, mandating comprehensive security arrangements for all Imam-Bargahs and gatherings to ensure three-tier security.

The Home Department emphasized that a three-tier security cover should be provided for all gatherings. According to the guidelines, designated entrance and exit routes should be established, and the installation of walk-through gates at all sensitive locations is mandatory.

“Every individual attending the gathering must be screened with a metal detector, and CCTV footage should be captured for everyone entering,” stated the department. Additionally, the use of loudspeakers should be restricted to within the assembly area, and punctuality is mandatory.

Before the distribution of Niaz, langar, and Sabil (free meals and drinks), the Health Department must conduct inspections. Car parking should be situated at least 200 meters away from the gathering.

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