Punjab to Match Federal Salaries and Pensions for Government Employees Soon

In a recent development, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif reached out to Caretaker Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi to address crucial matters pertaining to the welfare of Punjab government employees and pensioners.

During the telephonic conversation, the two leaders delved into the pressing issue of salary discrepancies and pension concerns faced by Punjab’s workforce.

A significant aspect of the discussion focused on the necessity to equalize the salaries of provincial government employees with their federal counterparts. PM Shahbaz Sharif emphasized the importance of ensuring fair and equitable remuneration for public servants across the country, thereby fostering a sense of unity and motivation within the workforce.

Another critical topic that came under scrutiny was the pension of retired government employees. The leaders recognized the pivotal role played by pensioners and expressed their commitment to safeguarding their financial well-being and honoring their dedicated service to the nation.

Furthermore, it was agreed to table the matter in the upcoming Cabinet meeting. This decision reflects the government’s willingness to address the matter collectively, ensuring an inclusive and just approach to resolving salary concerns.

The discussion between PM Shahbaz Sharif and Caretaker CM Mohsin Naqvi underscores the government’s dedication to the welfare of its employees and pensioners.

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