IESCO Announces 2-Day Power Suspension

The Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) has announced a two-day power suspension plan, effective Friday and Saturday, to carry out essential maintenance and routine development tasks across several areas within its jurisdiction.

According to the IESCO Spokesman, the power supply to various feeders and grid stations will be temporarily halted during specified time frames to facilitate the necessary work.

Friday, June 7:

  • Time: 07:00 AM to 10:00 AM
  • Affected Areas:
    • Rawalpindi City Circle: Areas within the city circle will experience a temporary power outage to facilitate maintenance work.
    • Ghousia Colony Feeder: The feeder serving Ghousia Colony will be shut down during the specified hours.
    • Rawalpindi Cantt Circle: The power suspension will affect various locations within the cantonment circle.
    • Media Town-I Feeder: Consumers connected to the Media Town-I feeder should expect a temporary disruption in their power supply.

Saturday, June 8:

  • Time: 07:00 AM to 10:00 AM
  • Affected Areas:
    • Rawalpindi City Circle: Continued maintenance activities will affect the power supply in the city circle.
    • E-Block Feeder: The E-Block feeder will be offline during the maintenance window.
    • Rawalpindi Cantt Circle: Further maintenance will necessitate a power cut in the cantonment circle areas.
    • S.Garden-I Feeder: The feeder servicing S.Garden-I and adjacent areas will be affected.
    • Adjoining Areas: Additional nearby regions may experience temporary outages as work is conducted.

This planned power interruption is part of IESCO’s proactive measures to ensure the reliability and efficiency of its electrical infrastructure. The company has emphasized the importance of these maintenance activities in preventing larger, unplanned outages in the future.

Residents and businesses in the affected areas are advised to make necessary arrangements to mitigate any inconvenience during the specified times.

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  • In my area under IESCO, there is a permanent power suspension on a daily basis and that too for long hours ranging from 3 to 6 and even more hours. Nowhere in the world including the Third World, such so-called maintenance work is carried out by switching off power for hours. In Pakistan the authorities switch off power to save electricity because all employees of WAPDA, DISCOs and similar others, serving and retired, enjoy free electricity for decades at the cost of the common man. Unfortunately, none points this out because those who can enjoy the same facilities, be it the government officials or the media personnel.

    • The sad reality is that to enjoy less load shedding you will have to shift to some other location, although you pay the bill.

      But it should motivate your more to earn more to install solar system

    • Indeed your area definitely has high line losses and large amount of theft. That’s why as per policy of recover and consumption load shedding is based on daily to suffer for all of consumers in that specific area at all.

  • As them to choose the very high temperature 🌡️ days. we have the coming days higher than Friday and Saturday

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