Laptop Battery Explosion Kills Two Children in Faisalabad

A tragic fire ripped through a house in Sharifpura, Faisalabad late Wednesday night, claiming the lives of two children and leaving seven other family members with severe burns. The fire is believed to have been sparked by a laptop battery explosion.

Rescue officials from 1122 report that the incident occurred while a family member was using a laptop plugged in for charging. They suspect the battery overheated due to prolonged charging, leading to an explosion that ignited the room. The fire was further intensified by a functioning air conditioner in the same room.

The blaze resulted in nine family members, including five children, sustaining serious burns.

Responding to the emergency, Rescue 1122 teams swiftly arrived at the scene. They heroically managed to extinguish the flames and evacuate the injured family members.

The nine individuals affected by the fire, including five children, were identified as Talha (9), Dua Fatima (6), Rehan Raza (8), Eiman Fatima (4), Ibrahim Ahmad (3), Farhat Aslam (45), Makki Raza (24), Rashida (40), and Nargis Ahmad (32). All of them were rushed to the Allied Hospital’s burns unit for critical medical attention. Tragically, despite the efforts of medical personnel, young Talha and Dua Fatima succumbed to their injuries sustained in the fire. The remaining seven family members are currently in critical condition.

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  • this can only happen by using 3rd class batteries or the motherboard was repaired by a third class technician

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