Balochistan Prepares for Heavy Monsoon Rain in Coming Days

The monsoon season in Balochistan is officially set to begin in July, with forecasts predicting heavier than usual rainfall, raising concerns about potential damage in several districts.

The Meteorological Department has issued a warning indicating the likelihood of significant monsoon rains across Balochistan. Areas particularly at risk include the Lasbela district, Naseerabad, and the Makran division, where the intensified rainfall could cause substantial damage.

In preparation for the monsoon’s impact, the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) has taken proactive measures. Relief materials for 800 families have been allocated and distributed to district administrations to enable a swift response in emergencies.

Authorities, including the Metropolitan Corporation of Quetta, have been instructed to remain vigilant and prepared for any potential flood-related incidents. Immediate actions have been mandated to clear encroachments from drains and ensure their proper cleaning to prevent waterlogging and mitigate flood risks.

Local communities are urged to stay informed about weather updates and take necessary precautions to protect lives and property during the monsoon season. Residents in vulnerable areas are advised to prepare emergency kits and follow safety protocols issued by local authorities.

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