PM to Inaugurate Karachi Green Line Service on 10 December

The federal Minister for Planning, Development, and Special Initiatives Asad Umar announced on Sunday on Twitter that Prime Minister Imran Khan will inaugurate the Green Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project in Karachi on 10 December.

Minister Umar had announced a week ago that the testing of the service will be carried out within the “next 10 days”. Following the test runs, the service will be opened for public use on 25 December.


He explained in another session yesterday that the government aims to address Karachi’s transport concerns. “PM Imran Khan is coming [to Karachi] to solve the transportation issues of the citizens of Karachi,” he said.

He added that the project had been initiated in 2016 and was supposed to be completed within a year but was delayed because of certain issues.

The Green Line BRT project spans 24 km between Surjani Town and Numaish and includes a 12.7 km elevated track, a 10.9 km ground-level track, and a 422 m underground track. It has 25 stations between Surjani Town and Numaish as well.

Furthermore, 22 stations and a depot have been completed, and the remaining stations are to be completed soon.

A fleet of 40 Green Line BRT buses had been sent to Karachi a few weeks ago, and Minister Umar had stated at the fleet arrival ceremony that “Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan. For the first time, a modern transport system is going to be launched here”.

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