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Here’s How Many People Sasta Petrol Scheme Helped Across Pakistan

The federal government is successfully carrying out the dissemination of aid among marginalized individuals and families under the ‘Sasta Petrol/Sasta Diesel’ scheme across Pakistan.

Up until July 16, the government has disbursed over Rs. 1.2 billion to over 6 million families across Pakistan. According to details, the regional breakdown of the beneficiaries and amount disbursed is as follows:

Regions Number of Beneficiaries/Families Amount Disbursed (Rs.)
Azad Kashmir 56,104 112,028,000
Balochistan 240,399 480,798,000
Gilgit Baltistan 47,704 95,408,000
Islamabad Capital Territory 2,242 4,484,000
Khyber Pukhtunkhwa 1,121,874 2,243,748,000
Punjab 2,739,404 5,748,808,000
Sindh 1,849,566 3,699,132,000
Total 6,075,203 12,114,406,000

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif launched the ‘sasta petrol sasta diesel’ scheme last month to facilitate the underprivileged segments of Pakistan. People with less than Rs. 40,000 monthly household incomes are the main beneficiaries of this program.

Finance Ministry has acknowledged the people’s financial struggles due to the deteriorating economy and said that it is making an effort to bring about reforms.

‘Sasta Petrol Sasta Diesel’ aid is useable for purposes such as buying groceries and medicine since petrol price hikes have impacted the prices of essential goods as well.

The government has earmarked Rs. 28 billion to facilitate almost 14 million marginalized households across the country.

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