Punjab Makes Major Blunder by Using Disrespectful Language for Martyrs in Official Notification

Deputy Commissioner (DC) Lahore imposed Section 144 in different areas of Lahore due to the prevailing security situation in the provincial capital.

In the official notification that was issued late last night, it was mentioned that police officers and civilians ‘embarrassed’ martyrdom.

Here is the notification.

The recent notification by the bureaucracy stating that police officials and civilians ’embarrassed’ martyrdom is not only a grave mistake but also a disrespectful and insensitive use of language.

This mistake could hurt the sentiments of thousands of family members who have lost their loved ones in the line of duty, sacrificing their lives for the country.

The use of the word ’embarrassed’ instead of ’embraced’ in the notification is not just a typographical error, but a clear display of incompetence and disregard for the sanctity of human life.

It is a matter of shame that bureaucrats in Pakistan boast about their perfect English, yet fail to use appropriate language in official notifications.

The mistake in the notification is particularly painful as it can be misinterpreted to suggest that the police officials and civilians who lost their lives were somehow responsible for their own deaths.

This is not just an insult to their memory, but also an injustice to their families who have already endured immeasurable pain and suffering.

It is high time that the bureaucracy takes responsibility for its actions and starts showing some sensitivity and respect toward the people it is supposed to serve. The use of archaic English in official notifications might sound impressive to some, but it is meaningless if the message itself is inaccurate and hurtful.

The mistake in the official notification regarding the martyrdom of police officials and civilians is a serious blunder that should not be taken lightly. It is a wake-up call for the bureaucracy to improve its language skills and show some empathy and respect towards those who have given their lives to the country.

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  • Pakistani Bureaucrats are those who even don’t know the right spell itself ! And you mean to bring perfection in them for other spell checkings ! “Kawa chala Hans ki chawl or bhoul gya apni ” they even don’t know an appropriate Urdu rusm ul khat but for us it is mendatory that at least their character should morally high like they do not theft carrying valuables of an host prince of neighbouring country and even don’t care of CCTV. We are far far backward nation just because choosing corrupt leaders

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