Monkeypox Not Detected Among Suspected Passengers at Karachi Airport

The Sindh Health Department has confirmed that monkeypox (Mpox) has not been detected among the four travelers who arrived from the UAE at Karachi Airport’s Jinnah International Terminal earlier this week. 

The passengers landed in Karachi on two separate planes on 26 April (Thursday) and displayed signs of the deadly disease.

On the same evening, samples from the passengers were submitted to a laboratory at Dow Ojha University for chemical assessment. The samples were analyzed using the PCR technique, and the report was handed over to the health department on Friday. The Ojha Lab received skin samples from two Somali and two Pakistani individuals on Thursday evening, and the report was received by the health department 24 hours later, on Friday evening.

The new suspected instances of monkeypox follow the discovery of two cases of the viral illness in people returning from Saudi Arabia. They were Rawalpindi and Islamabad residents who were promptly quarantined on their arrival in Pakistan.

Monkeypox is a zoonotic illness, which means it can be passed from animals to people. Fever, headache, muscular pains, backache, enlarged lymph nodes, chills, and tiredness are all symptoms of monkeypox.

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