Apple is Making a Cheaper Vision Pro AR/VR Headset

The release of Apple’s Vision Pro Mixed Reality headset caused quite a stir in the tech world. It not only impressed with its extensive range of features and advanced technology but also raised eyebrows due to its considerably high price.

Priced at a staggering $3,499, many prospective buyers have reconsidered their decision to purchase it, opting instead to wait for the technology to become more accessible and affordable. Even Apple CEO Tim Cook acknowledged the uncertainty surrounding its affordability.

However, the Cupertino giant has recently been granted a patent that details a scaled-down version of the Vision Pro, which could potentially mean a cheaper headset in the future. Knowing Apple, it will not be truly cheap still, but a bit more affordable than the current Vision Pro.

The patent in question describes an accessory in the form of a head-mounted display (HMD) that can be linked to an iPhone, allowing it to function as a virtual or augmented reality headset, albeit with a more compact design compared to the Vision Pro.

The accessory will incorporate a detection mechanism capable of establishing a wireless connection with the iPhone, granting users the opportunity to immerse themselves in a virtual reality experience.

Although specific details regarding the headband’s functionality and its integration with the iPhone or iPad have not been revealed, it is evident that Apple is investigating inventive approaches to harness the potential of its mobile devices.

While the existence of a patent does not guarantee a final product, it does indicate that Apple’s engineers are actively considering the prospect of transforming iPhones and iPads into virtual reality headsets.

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