Vice Chairman Engro and His Son Missing After Submarine Vanishes in Atlantic Ocean

Vice Chairman Engro Corporation Limited, Shahzada Dawood, along with his son Suleman are among the people who are missing after a submersible craft exploring the Titanic shipwreck disappeared in the Atlantic Ocean.

According to the official statement released by Engro, Shahzada Dawood and his son embarked on the journey on 18 June, Sunday. Contact was lost with their submersible craft and there is limited information is available beyond this. Engro requested to avoid speculation and theorization.

The statement added that a rescue effort is being jointly led by multiple government agencies and deep-sea companies to find and bring home Shahzada Dawood, Suleman, and all aboard.

Engro requested prayers for the safe return of Shahzada Dawood and his son and asked for privacy for their family. Engro will provide further updates on the search and rescue mission accordingly.

Apart from Shahzada Dawood and Suleman, there were three other individuals, including the crew, aboard. A Dubai-based billionaire was also on board.

The tourist submarine was on a dive mission to explore the wreckage of the Titanic, during which it disappeared off the coast of southeastern Canada, as per the submarine’s operating company, OceanGate Expeditions.

According to the company’s website, it is operating its fifth Titanic expedition of this year, which began last week and was supposed to conclude on Thursday.

The entire deep sea mission costs $250,000 per person. It starts at St. John’s, Newfoundland, then it heads out 640 kilometers into the Atlantic Ocean toward the wreckage spot.

  • What I have read, the signoff to this tour involves signing 3 places that death may occur. It was a dangerous journey to start with.

    • Yes and paying $250,000 for a gamble at life or death is no small thing !
      What is on these people’s minds to take such dangerous and really useless expeditions ?
      For what ??? Learn what ? Gain What? Give anything whether it is donations or housing to the less fortunate would be admirable and offer real genuine feelings of accomplishments . We all would find this truly a complete and great satisfaction to humanity

      • Why do such smart successful money makers want to see a dead ship over 100 years old at the bottom of the sea ?
        Makes no sense whatsoever and their lives now will be gone forever. Burial at sea!

  • Obviously! There was no point of going to see the dead ship. They could have helped many human lives with that 250 Grands. Its done now. May the Almighty grant courage to their family.

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