Pakistan Railways Massively Reduces Fares for Eid ul Adha

In a move to facilitate travelers during the festive season of Eid ul Adha, Pakistan Railways (PR) has made a remarkable announcement.

PR has decided to offer a substantial discount on fares for all passenger trains and classes.

According to an official notification, the fares have been reduced by a massive 33%.

This discount will be applicable for the entire duration of the three-day celebration.

To ensure the effective implementation of this decision, the Chief Marketing Manager (CMM) PR has instructed Divisional Superintendents of major cities including Karachi, Quetta, Sukkur, Multan, Lahore, Rawalpindi, and Peshawar to ensure compliance with the directives.

In a separate development, Pakistan International Airlines (PIA), the national flag carrier, has also joined in the spirit of the occasion.

PIA has announced a 10% discount on domestic flights for the three days of Eid ul Adha.

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