Huge Crocodile in Floodwater Causes Panic Among Kasur Residents

In a stunning occurrence, a colossal nine-foot crocodile made an unexpected appearance in the town of Kasur, seemingly arriving alongside the water discharged by India into the Sutlej River.

Eyewitnesses were astounded as they embarked on a boat journey from Dhup Sari to Mustke village when their gaze fell upon the astonishing sight of a fully grown crocodile navigating through the river’s depths.

The sudden presence of such a formidable reptile instilled a sense of fear and trepidation among the villagers, prompting them to document the unusual encounter by capturing a video of the creature.

Despite the initial alarm, it is worth noting that the crocodile exhibited no intention of venturing into the densely populated areas nearby. Instead, it chose to navigate the depths of the Sutlej River, disappearing from the villagers’ view.

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