Lahore to Get Another Medical University Soon

In a significant development, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif marked a momentous occasion on Sunday as he laid the foundation stone for the Kidney and Liver Institute University at the Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute (PKLI) situated in Lahore.

Addressing the gathering, the prime minister harked back to the inception of PKLI in 2015, which culminated in its completion by 2018. He lauded the relentless efforts of Prof. Dr. Saeed Akhtar, who dedicated extensive time and effort to the institute’s establishment. Under his visionary leadership, the country witnessed the initiation of liver transplantation procedures. The premier emphasized that PKLI stands as a beacon of hope for patients, committed to delivering unbiased medical care regardless of financial background.

Notably, the prime minister highlighted that PKLI was constructed in adherence to global benchmarks, embracing modern architectural paradigms. The collaboration with international enterprises bore fruition in the establishment of a state-of-the-art medical facility.

Revealing a significant achievement, the prime minister shared that PKLI has successfully performed over 1,000 kidney and liver transplants, embodying its commitment to equitable and inclusive healthcare.

Recalling his tenure as the chief minister of Punjab, the prime minister acknowledged the establishment of filter clinics dedicated to hepatitis diagnosis within the ambit of PKLI. Regrettably, these clinics were discontinued by the preceding administration.

Under the renewed PKLI framework, these filter clinics have been reinstated, and plans are afoot to extend their reach throughout the nation, exemplifying a concerted effort to tackle pressing health challenges.

Drawing attention to a crucial aspect, the prime minister underscored the financial constraints faced by PKLI in ensuring free treatment for the underprivileged. Lamenting the past neglect, he revealed that a substantial sum of Rs15 billion has now been amassed in the PKLI Trust Fund.

The prime minister expressed optimism that benevolent philanthropists will step forward to provide additional funding and vital medical resources to augment the institute’s endeavors.

Commending the dedicated doctors and staff at PKLI, the prime minister extolled their unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional medical services.

The premier elucidated the multifaceted goals of establishing PKLI, emphasizing that it aimed not only to create a world-class hospital but also to forge a contemporary medical university. He acknowledged the Punjab government’s financial contributions towards PKLI University.

Recognizing the imperative of raising awareness for combating hepatitis C, the prime minister pledged federal government support in terms of funds to provinces to bolster preventive efforts in this regard. This collective commitment underscores the national resolve to tackle health challenges comprehensively.

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