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Petrol Prices Expected to Rise Further Tomorrow

Due to currency devaluation and rising international oil prices, petroleum product prices are expected to climb again later this week.

Citing tax rates and import parity price, a media report states that petrol and high-speed diesel (HSD) prices could rise by Rs. 10-14 and Rs. 14-16 per liter respectively on September 15. Kerosene prices will also rise by Rs. 10.

The rupee depreciated by Rs. 4.5 against the dollar in the first 10 days of the current fortnight (from Rs. 299 to Rs. 304) before falling below Rs. 300. However, benchmark international Brent prices rose above $92 per barrel on Wednesday against $88 in the first week of September, negating any gains from the exchange rate.

In addition, the government will pass on the 88 paisas per liter increase in selling margins for petroleum dealers and marketing corporations authorized by the cabinet’s Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) last week to consumers.

The sources said that the import parity price for petrol, diesel, and kerosene had climbed by Rs. 13, Rs. 14, and Rs. 10 per liter respectively since September 1.

Alternatively, sale prices of the aforementioned petroleum products were expected to rise by Rs. 13, Rs, 16, and over Rs. 10 per liter respectively as per Pakistan State Oil (PSO) product imports. Jet fuel is also Rs. 10 per liter more expensive.

Therefore, petrol and diesel prices are expected to exceed Rs. 320 and Rs. 325 per liter respectively. The kerosene price would exceed Rs. 240 per liter.

Numerous industries in Pakistan are expected to observe greater inflation following the incoming rise in fuel prices.

Via: Dawn

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  • I request government of Pakistan to increase the quota of Petrol for all Government officers. I work for the CDA Islamabad and my quota is only 300 Liters of free petrol per month. CDA board members only get 300 liters per person. This is shameful. We are literally running Pakistan and government cannot even give us free facilities?.

    • I understand your concern, but I must respectfully offer a different perspective. It’s important to consider that government resources, including fuel quotas, are limited, and decisions regarding their allocation are made based on various factors, including budget constraints and the needs of the broader population. While government officers play a crucial role in serving the nation, it’s also essential to ensure that resources are distributed equitably and that the government can meet the needs of all citizens.

      Increasing the petrol quota for government officers might not be feasible at this time due to the aforementioned constraints. It’s crucial to remember that many individuals and sectors in Pakistan face challenges and limitations, and the government must balance various priorities. Rather than focusing solely on individual benefits, it might be more productive to advocate for policies that benefit all citizens and address broader societal issues.

      In summary, while your request is understandable, it’s essential to consider the larger context and the need for responsible resource allocation within the government.

    • Let’s do some basic maths.

      In the city, a 1300cc car averages 13 km per litter with AC, therefore you receive 300 * 13 = 3900KM covered with free fuel. Assume you only get one day off every week, thus your working days are 30 – 4 = 26 per month. You can therefore go 3900 / 26 = 150 KM every day. Are you sure you need to travel 150+ kilometres every day although your primary travel is between Islamabad and Rawalpindi because you work for CDA Islamabad?

      In another way, you receive 10 litres of free fuel every day and yet feel that it is insufficient.

      “If man had two valleys full of wealth and materials, he would still desire to have the third. Only dust can fill man’s belly (greed).”—-(Bukhari -Kitabur Riqaq).

    • میں ایک 65 سال کا بے روزگار شخص ہوں۔ کراۓ کے گھر میں رہتا ہوں۔ جب ملک میں تنخواہ دار سرکاری لوگ مفت پیٹرول اور بجلی حاصل کر رہے ہیں اور مزید کے طلبگار بھی ہیں ۔ ان کی ہوس کہیں پر ختم نہیں ہو رہی ہے تو پھر میرے جیسے لوگوں کو بھی کرایہ مکان، بجلی اور پیٹرول مفت ملنا چاہئے

    • Why do you think you deserve anything better than an unemployed individual who can not bear the rent of a house? Dont you get salary for your hard work ? Why are you demanding for more free quota. Better demand for quick death instead only the dirt of grave will fill your bellies. Stupid ignorant servants of Pakistani people.

  • The increase is insufficient to meet upcoming debt obligations. Min increase should be Rs 100 to Rs 150 per liter. we must sacrifice for the beterment of our elite class, politicians, beurocracy, judges & the rich class…

  • I suggest, k awaam ko ek hi dafa paani mien poison mila k dedo. Jitne log kam hojainge unke expenses bhi government officers or government mien distribute kerdena. Jiski hawas dunya ki dolat puri nai kersakti uska pait qabar ki matti bharegi. Inshaa’Allah

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