Federal Cabinet Likely to Approve National Space Policy This Week

The Federal Cabinet is likely to approve the National Space Policy besides ratification of the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) and CCLC decisions.

The Prime Minister has summoned the meeting of the cabinet with an eleven-point agenda on Wednesday.

Under the policy, a National Space Agency would be established in the country, and satellite service providers intending to provide satellite services in the country would be required to register themselves and obtain a Non-Objection Certificate (NOC), sources said.

The National Space Policy (NSP) will determine the direction of Pakistan in the field of space. The policy will aim to enhance the role of the space sector, promote mission activities, and increase public partnerships between research, education, start-ups, and industry.

Sources said that the Ministry of National Health Services Regulations and Coordination will present four summaries related to the recognition of medical colleges under sections 29 and 21 of the PM&DC Act 2022 as well as the establishment of King Hamad University of Nursing and Associated Medical Sciences Islamabad.

Similarly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will present the summary of approval of the MoU on bilateral political consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs and the Gambia.

The federal cabinet is likely to approve the termination of the Managing Director of National Telecommunication Corporation and the posting of MD, Korangi Fisheries Harbor Authority Karachi.

The Ministry of Interior will present a summary related to Afghan Evacuation and relocation by foreign countries.


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