PM Shehbaz Goes to UAE For A Day Seeking Investment Updates

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif reached United Arab Emirates on Thursday for a day-long visit. This marks his first visit to the UAE since coming to power earlier this year.

“Just arrived in the UAE on a short but important visit. Looking forward to a fruitful exchange of views with the UAE leadership with a view to deepen the historic and brotherly PAK-UAE ties”, he tweeted shortly after his arrival.

He was welcomed by UAE Vice President and Deputy PM Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

Shehbaz will meet with UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed to discuss bilateral relations, particularly trade and investment. The PM is also expected to meet other officials, businesspersons, and financial institution heads.

Sources indicated that discussions are aimed at getting updates on prior investment talks and seeking more money in various sectors.

The South Asian country’s financial matters and the pending payment related to PTCL will likely be discussed as well.

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