Chicken Meat Prices in Lahore Continue to Fall

The price of chicken meat has dropped further in Lahore. According to details, the price of chicken meat dropped by Rs. 15, now standing at Rs. 377 per kg.

Chicken meat prices in Lahore have continuously declined over the past two weeks, following a significant reduction earlier this month.

Earlier this month, the Pakistan Poultry Association announced a decrease in chicken prices in markets across the country. The price of chicken per kg had been reduced by Rs. 78.

On the other hand, the price of eggs per dozen remains stable at Rs. 251 in the provincial capital of Punjab. Meanwhile, according to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), the Sensitive Price Index-based inflation for the week ending May 23, 2024, decreased by 0.34 percent.

This is the sixth straight decrease in weekly inflation on a week-on-week basis. During the week, out of 51 items, prices of 12 (23.53 percent) items increased, 18 (35.29 percent) items decreased and 21 (41.18 percent) items remained stable.

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