Fly Jinnah Plane Forced to Make Emergency Landing at Lahore Airport

A Fly Jinnah flight from Lahore to Karachi encountered trouble when Flight 843 experienced a technical issue shortly after takeoff, near Sahiwal.

Following protocol, the captain quickly alerted Air Traffic Control (ATC) and sought clearance to return to Lahore International Airport for an emergency landing.

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Upon receiving approval from ATC, the plane safely returned to Lahore Airport. An engineer was dispatched to fix the issue while passengers were asked to wait in the airport lounge, as reported by airport sources.

It should be noted that the flight, initially set to depart at 3 pm, was delayed by four hours and departed for Karachi at 7:30 pm.

Previously, two other private airline planes avoided disaster at the Islamabad International Airport. According to details, a private airline flying from Islamabad to Skardu narrowly avoided an accident right after taking off from the airport.

Sources stated that the flight captain reported to the Air Traffic Controller (ATC) that the aircraft’s landing gear failed to retract after takeoff.

In another incident, a technical issue disrupted the schedule of private airline flight ER-807, which was set to depart from Islamabad to Riyadh at 3:30 pm on Thursday. Moments before takeoff, the aircraft’s tires suddenly burst, causing concern among the 194 passengers onboard the flight.

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