Punjab Allocates Rs. 10 Billion for Laptop Scheme

The Punjab government has allocated a significant amount of Rs 10 billion for a laptop scheme aimed at students in the upcoming FY 2024-25 budget, as reported by 24NewsHD TV channel.

Reports indicate that this decision comes in response to recommendations from higher education sector reforms, leading the government to revive the laptop scheme after a seven-year hiatus. This initiative is designed to support the educational needs of talented students by providing them with free laptops, which will be included in the next financial budget.

The laptop scheme is part of a broader effort to enhance educational resources and support for students across Punjab, aiming to improve access to digital tools and technology that are essential for modern learning. By investing in this initiative, the government hopes to bridge the digital divide and ensure that students have the necessary tools to succeed in their academic endeavors.

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  • ابے سیاستدانوں، پہلے مقروض ملک کا قرض تو اتارو۔ پھر یہ اللے تللے کرتے اچھے بھی لگو گے۔
    ابھی تو عوام کو لیپا ٹوپا کے بجائے دال روٹی کی زیادہ فکر ہے۔

  • Assalam o alikum Moja B laptop 💻 cahiya Moja pla kabi ni mila I am 20 Year Old

  • Hi I am Eshal Atif.Student of 9th class.Computer is my subject.Should i apply for this scheme.

  • In recent years, various initiatives have been launched to bridge the digital divide in education by providing free laptops to students. While well-intentioned, these efforts often fail to address the deeper, systemic issues plaguing universities. The reality is that giving laptops for free is purposeless when universities themselves are underfunded and lack the necessary digital resources to support their educational and research missions. Without addressing the root causes of these challenges, such efforts are akin to placing a band-aid on a much larger wound.

  • How can we apply for laptop and what is the criteria of eligibility to avail this offer

  • Providing universities with the necessary budgets and e-resources is more effective than giving laptops to students. Enhanced infrastructure and tailored resource management allow universities to address specific needs, offering high-speed internet, advanced lab equipment, and up-to-date academic journals. E-resources, being cost-effective and frequently updated, provide access to a wealth of information. Additional funds can support collaborative tools, training, and specialized equipment, enhancing the overall learning experience. This approach promotes sustainable development and higher quality research, ensuring long-term benefits for both students and society. Policymakers should prioritize funding university resources to maximize these advantages.

  • Allocating necessary funds and digital resources to universities, along with providing scholarships for needy students, creates a more sustainable and effective educational environment than simply giving out free laptops that might be used for non-academic purposes such as watching movies. Enhanced research capabilities, comprehensive digital resources, holistic student support, and long-term institutional benefits collectively contribute to a higher standard of education and significant societal progress. Investing in these areas not only improves the educational experience but also fosters innovation, academic excellence, and community development.

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