Huawei Pakistan’s Vice CEO Discusses IT Sector Development with Federal Minister

Vice CEO of Huawei Pakistan, Ray Yu called on the Federal Minister for Science and Technology Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui in Islamabad. In the meeting, matters concerning the progress on agreements made during the Prime Minister’s visit to China came under discussion.

Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui stated that the youth of Pakistan can play a pivotal role in the development of the IT sector.

He appreciated Huawei’s resolve to train 200,000 young people and offered the support of the ministry for the setting up of a training cloud to achieve this task.

Every year, 25000 IT graduates churn out from the universities in Pakistan. However, Only 5,000 IT graduates get jobs. We have to equip the youth with training in modern technology to plug this gap, the Minister added.

The Minister also stressed that there are immense opportunities for cooperation between Pakistan and China in the private sector that need to be harnessed in order to further enhance the partnership between the two countries.

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