Ban on PIA Flights to Europe Will Continue: EASA

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has maintained its ban on Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) flights to Europe, citing the airline’s failure to meet safety guidelines, EASA stated that PIA lacks effective compliance with safety standards and must implement corrective measures to lift the ban.

PIA flights to Europe and the UK have been suspended since 2020 after EASA revoked the airline’s authorization following a pilot license scandal. This scandal, which followed a fatal plane crash in May 2020, resulted in the grounding of 262 of Pakistan’s 860 pilots, including 141 from PIA.

“The European Union Aviation Safety Agency considers that at this time there are no grounds for amending the list of air carriers subject to an operating ban within the Union concerning air carriers certified in Pakistan,” said a European Commission spokesman.

An EU on-site assessment in Pakistan in November 2023 found that while Pakistan’s Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) adheres to international safety standards, there are notable shortcomings, including insufficient staffing and inadequate internal verifications.

The Pakistani government plans to privatize PIA by mid-2024, a requirement set by the IMF. Six companies have been shortlisted for the bidding process, including Air Blue and Arif Habib Corporation.

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