Pakistani Cadet Wins Prestigious Military Award in Australia

Cadet Afaq Mashwani from Pakistan Military Academy Kakul (PMA) has been honored with Australia’s Major General Finley Award 2024 for his exceptional performance at the Royal Military College Australia.

Hailing from KP, Mashwani graduated from PMA’s 147th Long Course. His training culminated in a passing out parade at the Royal Military College Australia, where he was recognized for his outstanding achievements.

Mashwani’s success is significant as he is the first Pakistani cadet to receive this prestigious award, selected for his top performance among his peers.

Reflecting on his journey, Cadet Mashwani credited PMA for instilling values of diligence and perseverance, which paved the way for his success in Australia. His achievement has garnered nationwide praise and serves as an inspiration for Pakistani youth.

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