PM Orders to Hire Top Lawyers to Handle Pending FBR Cases

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has directed authorities to hire the best lawyers to handle pending cases involving the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) in various courts and tribunals.

Chairing a meeting today in Islamabad to review key issues with the tax machinery, the premier announced that he will personally preside over weekly review meetings to monitor ongoing reforms and revenue generation within the FBR.

Shehbaz called for setting up Inland Revenue Appellate Tribunals and Customs Appellate Tribunals to expedite the resolution of tax-related cases. He also urged the formulation of a strategy to reward meritorious officers within the FBR.

The meeting was informed that work on the establishment of Inland Revenue Appellate Tribunals had already begun. A transparent written examination process will be conducted for the appointment of judges to these tribunals.

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