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Action Launched Against Illegal Parking Lots in Lahore

On Thursday, Lahore Commissioner Zaid Bin Maqsood emphasized the need to use Safe City cameras to identify illegal parking and traffic jams. He shared these views during a meeting on traffic flow in Lahore, which he chaired. Attendees included DG LDA Tahir Farooq, DC Lahore Rafia Haider, CTO Lahore Amara Athar, DG PHA Tahir Wattoo, CEO LWMC Babar Sahib Din, MD WASA Ghafran Ahmed, Chief Engineer Tepa Iqar Hussain, and officers from the Punjab Safe City Authority.

Commissioner Maqsood instructed Tepa to check and implement lane markings at traffic signals as needed and to start a campaign to raise awareness about traffic rules. He highlighted that adhering to traffic regulations is a hallmark of a civilized nation.


He mentioned that the Chief Minister is implementing practical steps as per comprehensive traffic intervention instructions to benefit the citizens of Punjab. Traffic flow has improved by removing encroachments at several points through joint operations, coupled with traffic education and road and signal design changes. He stressed the importance of a plan for ongoing awareness.

The Commissioner also stated that the Joint Committee has identified various choke points and emphasized the need for parking in designated areas of commercial buildings.



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  • If you read one full newspaper from page 1 to the last, you will see that there is nothing legal and in order in this country. I might call Pakistan, ‘Illegalistan’. Nothing new. This has been going on since 1947, has only worsened with time, and will continue for ever unless a miracle happens.

  • لاھور سرکلر روڈ (یکی گیٹ، شیرانوالہ گیٹ، کشمیری گیٹ، مستی گھاٹی) سڑک پہ آدھی سڑک پہ ٹیکس نہ دینے والے
    تاجروں کی پارکنگ بنائی ھوئی ھے جس کی وجہ سے سارا دن ٹریفک جام رھتا ھے۔ کون یہ پارکنگ ختم کروائے گا۔۔

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