Utility Stores Corporation Clarifies News of Sugar Price Hike

The Utility Stores Corporation (USC) has clarified that there has been no increase in prices of sugar and ghee at Utility Stores under the Ramadan Relief Package.

In a statement, USC said that more than four million families have benefited from the Ramadan Relief Package since the start of Ramadan but certain media outlets have misquoted an increase in the price of sugar at utility stores.

There has been no change in the rates since the Ramadan Relief Package was initiated but the condition to avail the subsidy is a valid computerised national identity card (CNIC).

The average basket per CNIC consists of 40 kg of flour, five kg of sugar, five kg of ghee, two liters of oil, and other subsidized items that will suffice for a small family.

These subsidized items can be bought by a valid CNIC holder. However, normal rates will be applicable on the items if a customer buys more than these quantities.

Also, the prices of sugar and ghee have not been increased since the first day the package was implemented.

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