COMSATS Asks Students to Write an Essay on Incest

COMSATS University Islamabad has come under fire for asking students a highly objectionable question during a quiz.

According to details, during a quiz of Bachelor of Electrical Engineering’s (BEE) first semester, students were asked to write an essay on incest between a brother and sister.

The question was part of a quiz of the course titled English Comprehension and Composition. It was held in December 2022. The students were asked to give their opinion on the scenario. They were also required to support their opinion with reasoning, including some examples from their knowledge.

Here is the quiz.

Nearly a month later in January, the Ministry of Science and Technology ordered an inquiry against the content of the quiz after the Minister took serious notice of the matter.

The Minister termed the content of the quiz as highly objectionable and against the curriculum laws of the country. The Minister also asked the Rector of COMSATS University Islamabad to take strict against the responsible lecturer.

Following the letter from the Ministry, COMSATS University Islamabad terminated the contract of Khair-ul-Bashar, Lecturer (Visiting Faculty). The university also blacklisted him for future employment.

The quiz, termination letter, and letter from the Ministry have now gone viral on social media platforms, with enraged netizens condemning the act and calling for measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

  • Is there any authority to have check on it. Does this institute have any moral n ethical values or have they any religion. Andhay log

  • The teacher should have been interogated what was his motive behind all this. Was it just for fun or he had some objective behind it.

    Not on the teacher be sacked but also the ppl who were suppose to check ghe contents of the quiz and who else authorize such objectibe material to be printed un-noticed.

    Such incidents should be made a learning point for our teaching community.

  • It seems that the business plan for the person involved is to use this as a basis for refugee and immigration to any western nation. He will use this as freedom of speech etc etc and now that he got fired and people might take action so its best for him to run away from Pakistan….

  • The most important thing is that did the students even objected ? They were supposed to write just one word on the page… Unislamic…. It’s a clear conspiracy theory for the new generation to thing about this which is directly going against Our Religion…. The lecturer was supposed to be punished instead of just terminating him. Allah reham kary hamary hall py

  • Termination from job is nothing. He should be arrested and should be examined by a psychiatrist. I agree with Mr. Junaid, it is important to know what was the motive behind this act, he might be going to get sympathy of West and applying for asylum.

  • The lecturer was terminated on Jan 5, 2023.

    MoST ordered an inquiry on Jan 19, 2023.

    The termination was not in response to the ministry taking notice but the university internally resolving the matter on students’ protest. Don’t take away the credit from the students and Uni staff for their action.

    It is erroneous to state that following the letter the employee was terminated. The content of the condemned quiz is not worth a mention, but both that and this article’s writer are proof that we really need to give better English language education.

  • The basic question is when COMSATS took action against the teacher, is that was after the paper went viral or immediate after the paper, comsats must be punished for this, only teacher is not resposnsible comsats is equally resposnsible for same.

  • He is not Khair-ul-Bashar but Shar-ul-Bashar. Would someone please upload his photo on the social media so that people may know him and spit at him.

  • I agree with Mr.Junaid. He must be arrested and investigated. Students should have protested. These kind of unislamic things should not be tolerated by anyone..not for one minute. These kind of people are responsible, they are the one’s who are spoiling our generation.

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