DG LDA Orders One Window Cell to Resolve Pending Cases at the Earliest

Commissioner Lahore and Director General (DG) Lahore Development Authority (LDA), Muhammad Ali Randhawa, made a surprise visit to the LDA One Window Cell on Wednesday.

During the visit, the DG met with citizens at the window and asked about their concerns. He also talked with the senior citizen counter and sought their feedback.

According to a national daily, the DG instructed the relevant officials to develop a thorough system in partnership with other departments such as the district government, MCL, and WASA to address the issues raised by citizens at the One Window Cell.

He stressed that officers on duty should treat the citizens’ problems as if they were their own and prioritize their resolution accordingly. He suggested incorporating new initiatives using modern technology into the One Window Cell.

The DG also evaluated the attendance and performance of the officers and staff working at the One Window Cell. He presided over a meeting to assess the backlog of cases at the One Window Cell. He directed the relevant directorates to resolve the pending complaints as soon as possible and submit a report.

Additional DG Headquarters Imran Ali, Director DG Headquarters M Asif, Director of the One Window Cell, Director of IT, Town Planning and Housing directors, Director of Law, and other concerned officers attended the meeting.

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