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CDA Requested to Open I-9/4 Link Road After Year-Long Closure

Sector I-9 inhabitants have requested the civic authorities to reopen the main link road.

According to a media report, the road was closed due to the construction of Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed Road — formerly known as IJP Road. Despite its completion, the link road is still closed, unnecessarily prolonging the journey of commuters in that area.

An application sent to the Capital Development Authority (CDA) Chairman Noor-ul-Amin Mengal, stated:

We are bringing your attention to an issue regarding the main link road/street 33 in the I-9/4 area of Islamabad. As concerned residents, we would like to highlight the inconvenience being faced by the community due to the prolonged closure of this road. The Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed Road has been under construction, leading to the closure of main link road 33 for the past few months. Understandably, this has caused significant inconvenience to the residents and commuters in the area. The closure has resulted in additional travel of approximately 4 kilometers to reach the Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed Road leading to increased travel time, fuel consumption, and traffic congestion on alternative routes.


To expedite the construction of the multi-billion Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed Road, some connection roads were blocked years ago. The closed junctions are causing great inconvenience to the commuters.

  • We also request to reopen that closed junctions,we are facing too many problems while moving from Islamabad to Rawalpindi during duty hours.sometime medical issues and to reach hospital is not please reopen that link road of I 9/4.thankd

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